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CAV JAPAN INC’s year turnover exceed 7 billion JPY


CEO of CAV JAPAN INC said,CAV audio products’ year turnover has hit 7 billion JPY in 2010,and will be over 10 billion JPY in 2011.

As we all know,Japan is the strongest country in R&D and manufacturing of household electrical appliances,also,the function,performance and quality are leading in world,many customers are pround of buying Japan original appliances.As its unique function,fashion appearance,beautiful timbre and outstanding product quality quickly conquered to Japanese market.Toshiba,one of cooperative partner,said,the quality of CAV has exceeded Japan ones.

CEO of CAV JAPAN INC showed that he is optimistic of audio market in Japan.And said,CAV first started from Hi-Fi,and then TV peripheral products, such as: audio tracks for home theater. Following,launch mobile digital audio,ceiling type and entering-wall type speakers, etc. CAV JAPAN will keep on opening the audio market.

Except Japan,CAV will set up offices in HongKong and Singapore.